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One of the women in my Mastermind was reading this amazing book by Jen Sincero. 

It's one of the mindset books on the reading list I give to all my clients. 

As you can see, Jen dedicated this book to Gina DeVee and that's who I trained with for a year to become a coach.

Hearing this, she asked me to share my biggest takeaways from learning from the multi-millionaire. (I've actually hired 6 multiple 7-figure female entrepreneurs over the last 10 years because I love learning from the best!).

Honestly, it comes down to knowing something else is possible (as in you CAN get paid great money to do what you love) and then being consistent about keeping your mind focussed on what you want (rather than what you don’t).

As well as learning from these powerhouse women, I've read many books on money (over 50) and been studying and applying the mindset work in depth. 

Here are my 4 top tips to transform your relationship with money:


Gina taught us to keep filling our mind daily with wealth consciousness books. The two she recommended are: The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D Wattles and Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

When Gina finishes one she picks the other one up and starts reading it again. She reads at least 15-30 mins a day.

I love TSOGR and will happily read that regularly. I prefer to listen to Think & Grow Rich.


Then it's about changing your money ‘story’. Noticing when you're feeling negative around money and then switching the language around.

As a child, we learn about money from our parents, society, religion, teacher, films, the media but that doesn't mean what we learn is true. The problem is, we can learn a lot of very limiting beliefs that we take on as fact when really, they have just been someone else's experience. 

Take for instance the belief that many people have that you 'have to work hard for money.'

Who says? I know it might seem to be the case when you look around you but there are thousands of people out there who bring in money and aren't busting a gut to do so.

When we tell ourselves we have to work hard for money and we're entrepreneurs then that can become true for us and cause all kinds of stress and hardship.

I know because this was one of my tough-to-shift beliefs. I often felt guilty if I had some passive income coming in and would either sabotage my efforts or force myself to work harder for it. This belief can lead to burn-out too. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying you'll never have to do anything and that money will just land in your lap BUT how about shifting the belief to:

Money comes easily to me as I do the things I love.

That has a very different energy and will produce very different actions and results. 

Take a look at any negative language and thoughts you have around money and you need to shift them to become positive.


It's then about BEING the person who has the success you want BEFORE you even see it in your life. You can't get healthy by continuing to do the same things you did when you get sick, right? 

We know we have to become the healthy person first and then health follows. 

It's the same with money. 

You have to become the abundant, affluent version of yourself and then the money follows. 

Want more money, clients and success? Get clear on how many and then ask yourself: what will that next level version of me do, wear, eat, act, think? Start doing those things now! That does not mean you have to go and max out your credit card - that won't help your money mindset one bit!! 

Get creative here.

Go to the hotels you'd love to stay in and order a glass of champagne or a pot of tea. You have to put yourself in the surroundings first and then you feel comfortable and they feel like your #norm. THEN the magic can happen.


All the time we're desperately wishing and hoping for money to come to us, it keeps  us thinking about a future time. That's not how you attract money and clients. 

You have to FEEL abundant NOW. You have to feel as if you already have what you want - the wardrobe you want, the clients you want, the money in the bank, the Amazon bestseller. 

THEN your Subconscious mind can get to work on helping you start acting that way automatically AND you activate the powerful Law of Attraction.

That's why I'm always talking about affirmations, vision boards, visualisations and writing 'as if'. When done right, they will completely transform your entire life - for the better.

They get you into the STATE of having it already and that's when you are able to receive it. Sounds ironic right? But it's just what happens

Like an athlete seeing and feeling herself winning that gold medal over and over in her mind - literally thousands of times before she actually wins it. That's what you need to do too. 

I cover this in detail in my 21 Days to £5K Mindset course. That whole course is about shifting the way you think about, talk about and act around money.

Click the link below, to find out more.

Here's some feedback women who've taken the course:


8 Tips for Your Brand Photoshoot 


8 Tips for Your Brand Photoshoot 

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So in this blog post, I talked about the importance of developing a strong brand and I gave you 11 questions to help you get clarity around the image you want to portray.

I also promised to share my top tips for having a successful photoshoot and here they are:

1) Environment

Think about the environment and surroundings you’d like to be photographed in to represent your brand (e.g. hotel, shop or at home), and make sure you discuss it with your photographer. What will instantly grab your ideal clients attention? Make sure this also reflects what you do, in some way?

2) Vision

Have a clear vision to share with your photographer to make sure you are both on the same page. Create a Pinterest Board with the images that inspire you in terms of style, colours, surroundings, overall feel and vibe. Make sure when you're speaking to potential photographers that they are excited by your vision and can give you ideas to bring it to life. 

3) Smile right into the camera

You need lots of shots of you looking right into your clients’ hearts smiling, inviting them to work with you. Make sure you’ve got at least 3-4 shots looking into the camera to help you connect with your audience.

4) Map them out. 

Make a list of all the pages on your website and how many photos you want and whether they would be better landscape or portrait.

At the very least, you’ll need images for banners on your: sales pages, home page, about page and contact page. 

You’ll also need images to use for your blog, newsletters and social media posts. 

5) Multi-purpose

Make sure you’ve got lots of landscape images! Get some landscape shots with light backgrounds, and free space on the left or right of you, for tag-lines and titles etc so that nothing interferes with the text.

6) Get everyone involved

If you have a web designer, try to speak to them to discuss what kind of photos you’ll need for your specific website. Make sure you then share this information with your photographer. With SquareSpace, for instance, you'll need a lot of horizontal images for the banners on each page.

7) Think marketing 

Use the colours that will also look great from a marketing perspective, i.e. use the colours that will match well against Facebook colours of white and blue to use the images for your Facebook Ads.

8) Great quality

Let your photographer know where specifically you’ll be using your photos (FB Covers, FB Ads, Website, etc.) so that they can figure out the best px/resolution. This should be a given (them giving you the best quality) but it's not always! 

So there you have it. These tips should help you to not only bring your brand to life but love (and want to use!) the images when you get them back.

I hope these helped! Let me know in the comments below. 

Emma xx

P.S. Don't forget my money mindset course is 1/4 off until midnight on Sunday. This is the course that's changing people's lives and businesses. Are you ready to attract more clients and money? Maybe you'd spend that money on your dream wardrobe and new photoshoot?  Click here to find out more. 


When Selfies Will No Longer Do For Your Business


When Selfies Will No Longer Do For Your Business

Okay so don’t freak out. I’m not saying you can’t ever take a selfie for your Instagram or Facebook business accounts! Phew!

In fact, I encourage my clients to take selfies to give their audience a sense of who they are day-to-day.

HOWEVER, there are times when an iPhone and an outstretched arm just won’t do.

If you want people to invest decent money with you then you need to create a strong and professional* brand. 

One of the best ways to do that is to have a photoshoot. 

And before you feel disheartened that I’m telling you to create a stuffy, corporate-y look…

Don’t panic. That couldn’t be further from the truth. 

*Professional doesn’t mean a stiff headshot (God no!). It just means that you've taken the time to think about WHO you are and the brand you want to portray and how you want your Ideal Client to FEEL when she finds you online. 

Or in other you will match your brand to YOU. 

You’ll see from my brand and photoshoot that it couldn’t be further from an all suited and booted look. 

I'm wearing a sequin jacket and poufy PINK tulle skirt in my photos!!!

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You want your audience to SEE you for who you are still. 

In this blog, I shared my top tips for having a successful photoshoot but before you get to that part, you need to get clarity on your brand. 

Here are some questions to help you start to do just that:

1) Who is your Ideal Client?

2) Other than the services you provide, what other part of your life (hobbies, pets, travel) do you feel your Ideal Client would resonate with and love to hear about?

3) When your Ideal Client lands on your website, how do you want her to FEEL?

4) List 5 words to describe yourself.

5) How would your best friend describe you?

6) What is the message you are sharing through your work?

7) What part of your story most inspires other people?

8) What colours and textures do you wear and surround yourself with?

9) Who has a brand that you admire?

10) What do you admire about them exactly?

11) What is your USP (unique selling point)? What makes you different? 

Once you've answered those, start a Pinterest Board to gather ideas for your brand and photoshoot. Have fun!

Click here to read 8 Tips For Your Brand Photoshoot

Emma xx




9 Ways to Grow Your Styling Business FAST


9 Ways to Grow Your Styling Business FAST

Are you ready to turn your styling business from hobby-status to a full-time success?

I thought so.

Last week, I had 2 enquires for personal styling services in the space of 24hrs! It still surprises and delights me when that happens because I haven't offered those services for FIVE YEARS! I pulled down my website 4 years ago when I decided to focus entirely on being a coach. 

Since then, I've worked with many other Personal Stylists to help them build a strong foundation and set up the business structures so they get client bookings coming though consistently. It's so exciting when clients FIND YOU!

But it took me time to be featured in newspapers, get on BBC radio and collaborate with high-end high street stores, as a stylist. 

You can get there soooo much quicker with a helping hand. 

I want to help you collapse the timeline.

Here are 9 ways to get more clients as a personal stylist.

1) Decide

The first step is to decide that you're making a success of this business so you can quit your job, buy your dream wardrobe, take your family on luxury holidays and follow your dreams of helping clients around the world.

I mean really decide.

Decide you're no longer available to NOT have this business be a success.

Decide you want to be one of the success stories you read about. We do this in ORIENTATION week of Style Meets Structure.

2) Speak to ONE person

Get clear on who you are marketing to. Get clear on who you're truly excited to work with each and every day.

Know her inside out; better than she knows herself.

Then create your entire business around her. Write as if you are speaking to just one person.

No more trying to attract men*, teens, women over 50 AND women under 30. Get crystal clear on pinpointing who your customer is. This is week ONE in Style Meets Structure.

*Your ideal client can of course be a man. 

3) Talk about yourself

In business, you have to talk about yourself...a LOT. I know, I know. I used to hate this too! I wanted to just help my clients and if I could fade into the background then I was very happy doing so.

I used to want the ground to swallow me up when it came to having to introduce myself at networking meetings.

But that kept me client-less and broke!

Talk about your accomplishments. And please don't think you don't have any. You need to show your potential client who you are so she knows YOU are the right personal stylist for her. Get confident in who you are and why you're amazing at what you do. This is week TWO in Style Meets Structure.

4) Tap into other people's networks

Build your network and collaborate. There are MANY other people who are already working with your ideal client but not styling them.

Find those people and offer value to them and they will HAPPILY put you in front of their audience (full of potential clients).

This is the #1 way I built my personal styling business all those years ago.

This is what I'm teaching in week SIX of Style Meets Structure. We will talk about who you can contact and what you can offer to get you exposure and paying clients. 

5) Keep adding value

Be known as the go-to expert. Provide content that shows your strong brand and message. This is the #1 way I NOW get clients online. 

This is such an important and powerful marketing method that we will cover it in great detail across most modules of the course.

6) Get referrals

When you work with your ideal client you can pretty much guarantee that she knows other people like her. After all, birds of a feature flock together. 

We will talk about how you can get referrals without feeling icky about asking your few current clients to tell all their friends about you in week EIGHT of Style Meets Structure.

7) Keep making noise

Keep telling people about you, what you do and your offers!

It's too easy to create an offer or program and put it out there and when no-one books we feel like crap because we think it didn't work. That isn't how business works.  I know because I tried that method for years! ;-) 

That's not how people buy! I'll show you how you can get seen and known with a clear message and show up consistently without feeling like a nuisance! 

In week TWO you'll get clear on a program you're excited to offer and then we will build on getting it out there in front of the right people for the rest of the course. 

8) Advertise

People think you have to spend huge amount on advertising to grow a successful business, this is simply not true.

I do NOT spend a lot of money on advertising, even now.

We will talk about WHAT you can advertise and WHERE (plus my tips on how much). I'll also share how I was able to advertise myself for FREE in many places that others used to have to pay for. This will be week SIX and TWELVE of Style Meets Structure.

9) Coaching, mentoring, mastermind

I'm not kidding when I say I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't invested in help.

  • I wouldn't have the international business and amazing clients.

  • I wouldn't have my gorgeous apartment.

  • I wouldn't have the travel.

  • I wouldn't have had my first £15,000 month (I used to make that in a YEAR!!!).

I have created a 12 week group program and mastermind that is focussed entirely on helping 10 Personal Stylists to take your business to the next LEVEL and get prepped for a busy autumn/winter of clients. 

Every week you'll get in-depth business training, group coaching, a private Facebook group. You'll also get a 1:1 business coaching call with me.

I couldn't be more excited about this. 




Got a question? Click here and send me a message, 

Emma xx






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Someone asked me for some tips on doing their first Facebook Live tonight so I thought I wanted to share them with you too.

1) Set up a group and go and practise in it so you know how to turn it on and off and ensure the lighting and background are good. 

2) Practise an opening line so you start off confidently as soon as you see you’re ‘on air’.

3) Map out an opener, your main content and a call to action at the end.

4) Wear something you feel confident in. 

5) Put your main points on post-its right next to your phone so they are easy to see and you don’t forget any of your key points.

6) Make sure you look INTO the camera and not at yourself. This is better for the viewer because you’ll be looking at them and also for you because it will remind you that you’re doing this for the people watching.

7) If you forget what you’re talking about don’t worry about it...just say that and laugh. That will bring your brain out of the freeze and you’ll seem real and authentic.

8) Have fun. This doesn’t need to be perfect. My first Facebook Live lasted 4 mins because I was so nervous  but it gets easier and now I really enjoy them. 

9) And remember this...only people who are pushing themselves out of their comfort zone and therefore growing that experience nervous and stage fright. So it’s a great sign if you’re feeling a bit nervous.









Fear of success is very common and that’s because fearing change is what our brains are wired to do. You are literally going against your internal programming and survival instincts when you set new and big goals. 

So don’t beat yourself up about it but yes, you do need to work through it otherwise it will always feel like you have one foot on the accelerator and the other on the break the whole time your run your business. 

Finish the sentence (below) as many times as you can until you have written everything your brain can think of. 

I am scared to be a success in case/because…

Give your brain the time to share. It's trying to be heard and when we try to think positively over it without letting it speak, it just gets louder!

And your subconscious mind (where this fear comes from) is FIVE TIMES MORE POWERFUL than your conscious mind anyway so you'll be fighting a losing battle if you try to ignore it and its fears. 

Then take each answer and write out 3 reasons why that isn’t actually true/fact (or as they say...absolute BS). 

For example:
I am scared to be a success in case I get trolled on the internet.

The 3 reasons why this is BS are:

  1. People will say things whether I’m being successful or not. A troll will always be a troll so I can stay small or go big. It's about them, not ME. They'll just troll someone else if I'm staying small and not being seen. 
  2. I might NEVER even get trolled anyway and I’m stopping myself from doing what I love to protect myself from something that may NEVER happen. 
  3. The people whose opinions I really value will want me to be a success. 

do this for EVERY sentence you wrote out. Coach yourself through it. 

Once you have done that...

imagine you're 90 sitting on your sofa and you look back and REALISE you never went for your dreams.

Write about how you feel. It's good if this feels painful. We are trying to change the what your brain links pain (aka fear) to.

You will ALWAYS have fear. We can’t get rid of that - but we can use it to our advantage. 

This is not just about 'feel the fear and do it anyway', it’s about changing that fear to be the FEAR OF NOT GOING FOR IT. 

After that amp up the excitement of the results you want.

But do the other exercises first and your brain will accept them and get excited too.

Try this and let me know in the comments below how differently you feel about creating success in your business and going NEXT LEVEL. 

Emma xx

Before you go, are you a member of my 'Where Soul & Sales Collide' Facebook group? It's where I share ALL THINGS:






If you're in my Facebook group or you've downloaded my workbooks you'll have heard me talking about the importance of having and building an email list.

After all, you don't own the details of those 3k people you have on Facebook or Instagram (billionaire Mark Zuckeburg does), so you never know when they might change the algorithms again or decide to charge us for every business post we put out there.

When I first started building my email list and sending weekly newsletters, I used to take it soooo personally when people unsubscribed. 

It made me doubt what I was saying and I'd put off sending them regularly. 

It made me filter myself and dilute my message and quieten my voice.

It made me worry that I was somehow 'bothering' my list. 

Even just one of those thoughts is enough to sabotage any chance of building engaged fans who can't wait to hear from you.  

In today's podcast, I share why you should never take unscubscribers personally and how to change your mindset around it so you can keep show up and building a strong relationship with the people who came forward and handed you their email address.

Take a listen:

Got a question or comment about this? I'd love to hear from you in the comment box below. 

Emma xx

Before you go, are you a member of my 'Where Soul & Sales Collide' Facebook group? It's where I show up daily to inspire, motivate and share my best content to create a business and life you love.





As exciting as it is to design your Dream/Ideal Client, it takes more than just 'make-believe' to ensure this person is in fact the one you need to be targeting. 

I'm all for creating a profile of someone that you're eager to work with and has the personality and traits you're excited to spend your days helping. The first step IS dreaming up the perfect person to match the services you want to offer. But don't make the mistake many entrepreneurs do and stop there. 

You cannot just assume you know what people want. You have to actually ASK them. Otherwise you'll end up spending hours and hours (most likes weeks or months) creating the most incredible content and designing life-changing services but still end up hearing crickets (I've been there and it sucks!). 

In today's video I explain what to do to prevent that


Finding this process more difficult that you expected? I have an 'Identify your Ideal Client' program which includesL

  1. 22 page in-depth Workbook
  2. 2 Hour 1:1 Call
  3. Templates for surveys and target market research questions

Click the button below to find out more:





Yesterday I talked about what an ideal client is and the importance of knowing exactly WHO you're talking to when you market your services. 

Today I'm sharing HOW to define your dream client and the questions to ask yourself. Trust me - getting clear on this will transform your business (and bank account):

Finding this process more difficult that you expected? I have an 'Identify your Ideal Client' program which includesL

  1. 22 page in-depth Workbook
  2. 2 Hour 1:1 Call
  3. Templates for surveys and target market research questions

Click the button below to find out more:






1. Whatever I can dream up for my business, I can achieve.

2. I've created the perfect business for myself.

3. This year I made £$_____.  (Insert the amount you want to make in 2018 and get used to hearing yourself say it as if it's happened).

4. I deserve the finest life has to offer.

5. _______ is my most profitable month of 2018!  (You can change the month each time).

6. My success encourages others to go after their dreams.

7. I lovingly forgive any past money mistakes to open myself up to receiving more. 

8. I'm open and ready to attract everything I desire.

9. I love turning my creative ideas into money.

10. I’m proud of everything I’ve achieved so far.

11. I'm happy, successful and fulfilled.

12. Why is it so easy for me to get new clients? 

(Let your brain keep coming up with ideas for this one. Our brains are like Google - ask it a question and it'll search for an answer. So don’t say: Why do I never have enough clients/money? Because it WILL give you an answer and it won’t feel very empowering.)

13. Incredible abundance is my chosen reality.

14. I use money to better my life and the life of others.

15. I have everything I want and need.

16. I have the power to attract money.

17. I deserve the money I make.

18. Money is pouring into my life from all directions. 

19. I am worthy of success.

20. I have everything I want and need. 

21. I love watching my business expand.


9 things that are much easier when you know EXACTLY who your Ideal Client is. 


9 things that are much easier when you know EXACTLY who your Ideal Client is. 


I will refer to an Ideal Client as an ICA which = Ideal Client Avatar.

An Ideal Client Avatar is fictional character that represents your ideal prospect. Sometimes called Dream Clients or Perfect Clients. They all mean the same thing - a made up picture of someone you want to do business with.

When you have a very clear picture of the exact person, it makes your life as an entrepreneur a lot easier. Here's how:

1) You can find her much more easily. 

You know where she hangs out. This not only saves you time but MONEY because you can advertise knowing that your ideal client will actually SEE it.

Example 1: I helped a Personal Stylist client to write a post for her ICA and we boosted in on Facebook. Within less than 24hours she had a paid client!!! Woohoo!!

Example 2: I helped another Personal Stylists to create a post about her Facebook group and boost it only to her ICA. Within 24 hours she had 44 women request to join her group - all her ICAs!

Example 3: I helped a client (another coach) to write a post about her new program/service. She put it in ONE Facebook group (filled with her ICAs) and had EIGHTEEN women respond to her and booked NINE Discovery Calls!

This works whether you're marketing yourself for free or paying for advertising - knowing your ICA means you know where to position yourself. 

2) You can do effective market research. 

This means you can ask her questions to find out exactly what she wants and why. The more you know the easier it is to create a service and program that she will actually PAY for. It's very important to not just assume you know what people want - if you want to make good money in your business then you have to solve people's problems. To do that you need to make sure you are focussing specifically on their main problem. Don't know what that is? Ask them.

3) You can write copy with ease. 

You know her 'problem', you know why you're her solution and can confidently communicate how YOU can help her and what she'll get out of working with you. This means you can write a sales/services page that talks directly to her and explain why you are the answer she's been looking for.

4) You can charge what you're worth. 

She's your ICA which means YOU are her IDEAL solution. You were born to work together and therefore you'll BOTH feel confident that you can help her and SHE knows you're the perfect person to do so. So you'll feel more confident charging what you're worth and (more importantly) SHE'LL see that value and will happily pay your fee. 

Example: One of my clients DOUBLED her prices, got in front of her ICA and within 1 week had 3 ideal clients happy to pay her new prices. 

5) Creating content is easy. 

You know your ICA through and through so you know what she wants to hear about. This makes writing newsletters, blog posts, social media posts and your lead magnet quicker, easier and more fun. No more scratching your head over what to post. 

6) You spend more time doing what you LOVE

You created this business because you wanted to get paid to do what you LOVE. When you know your ICA, you get to spend more of your time working with people you LOVE. Creating an Ideal Client Avatar is not just important for marketing your business but to ensure that you don't spend years building your business targeting people who aren't your best fit. 

7) You have more fun!! 

I often get messages from 1:1 clients saying their business no longer feels like 'work' because they feel so aligned with what they are doing now and who they are serving.

8) You'll be more confident selling yourself

When you know who your ICA is then you will be able to clearly see how you can help her. You'll know her pain-points and why YOU are the solution. You'll no longer see yourself as trying to sell a service but that you are exactly the help she needs. Trust me - this makes offering your services (and products) feel much more exciting and takes away any icky-ness you may feel about 'selling'. You're serving. You're helping. And your business becomes about them and not you. 

9) What you seek is seeking you.

It's much easier to use the Law of Attraction to bring in your ICA when you know who she is!! Just like if you were trying to attract your dream partner. I know, if you're in my community, you too believe in the power of asking for what you want. Ask & Receive. Well, you can't receive if you're asking in a vague way. Be specific. Tell The Universe exactly what sort of person you're looking for. It works for attracting your dream man so it will work for attracting dream clients too. 

Many of my clients have used The Law of Attraction to bring in many wonderful clients. Of course I always recommend you have all of your systems and structures in place so your ICA knows she's landed in the right place when she finds you but don't underestimate the power of asking The Universe. 

More blog posts are coming this week on how to define your ICA.

Tell me in the comments below, do you know who your ICA is? If so, how has that changed the way you run your business? 

Emma xx






Consistency is key to success in anything and definitely in running a business.

You asked and I’m answering. Being consistent came 2nd to top when I asked you what you struggle with in your business. 

So, I wanted to share my top tips for being consistent.


Before you jump in headfirst into a social media plan or sending your newsletters, I want you to be realistic with how much time you actually have.

You know I hate the word REALISTIC. So let's change it to FAIR. Be FAIR on yourself.

Don't do what - we all do! - when you want to start a new workout routine and we tell ourselves we're going to go to the gym 1hr every day and cut back on calories. We all know that trying to go from 0 to 100 won't work or last.

It's the same with being consistent. Consistent = acting in the same way over time.


Consistency does NOT have to mean posting 4 times a day, 7 days a week on every social media platform, blogging 5 days a week and saying you'll send 3 emails a week to your list. In fact, that's setting yourself up to fail.

Consistent just means doing the SAME thing. It means showing up in the same way.

Look at your week and ask yourself what's realistic/fair for you. Is trying to blog 5 times a week going to send you into a spin? Then aim for once a week but be CONSISTENT. Choose a day and stick to it!

Will you be posting every day on social media? Which platforms? Or will you post just 3 times a week. Will you be posting Saturday and Sunday or just during the week?

I run my business full-time so I show up a lot more than I did when I was teaching 4 days a week.

The trick is making a plan and sticking to it.

If you're trying to go from occasional posting to every day then ease yourself into it. Just like you would a new workout routine. Set goals that excite you not scare and overwhelm you.


Once you've decided on your plan make sure you stick to it.

Building a business is about building a relationship and people like to know where they stand.

That's why it's better to aim for 2 times a week than say 7 and only manage 3.

Don't be that person who bombards your Facebook feed with 17 posts in quick succession because you've found some great content and then drops off the face of the planet for a bit.

If you say you'll blog every Thursday and send an email out every Tuesday then make sure you do. If you want to post at least once a day on social media then set yourself an alarm to remind yourself.

Consistency is about habit building for you AND your audience. Let them get into the habit of looking out for your content because they know they can trust it will be there. 

SHOW your community with your actions WHAT they can expect from you and WHEN to expect it.


Oftentimes, where we aren't being consistent, it’s because we're aren’t excited enough about the results.

I did a juice diet last January and it felt tough. I felt sorry for myself pretty much 24/7 for those 3 weeks. I kept thinking about everything I was missing out on (bread, pasta and even chewing!!)

I did one again in July and it was sooooo much easier and actually fun.

What was the difference?

I had a photoshoot booked in August so I was very clear about WHY I was doing the juice diet. It was no longer about the 5 juices a day, it was about the results I wanted to see in the photos.

(Here are some behind the scene shots)

I kept dreaming about how I would feel getting the shots back from my photographer. This spurred me on and made sticking to my juice diet much easier.

This is the same in business.

If you aren’t being consistent then it could be because you aren’t exciting yourself enough with the results you want.

Go back to your WHY. It’s not JUST to make a difference to your clients. There will be a deeper reason. Is it for your family – to build a different lifestyle? What does that look like? Is it to be a leader in your industry and make an impact? What does that look like?

Why are you doing this? Why did you start this business? Paint that picture very clearly in your mind. Add it to your vision board.


This will fuel your motivation and help keep you consistently consistent.


In other words: Choose your favourite platform and medium. 

You do NOT have to be everywhere and 'do all the things'.

Don't like Twitter? Then scrap it and focus on Instagram. 

Hate writing? Then do videos or start a podcast. 


One of the biggest mistake I see entrepreneurs making is trying to be everything and everywhere

Now don't get me wrong, as your business grows I think it's good to be seen on more platforms. 

But to begin with pick 2 social media platforms you love (and know your Ideal Clients will actually be on) and focus your effort on those. 

And it's not just important to be seen on social media. After all, Mark Zuckerberg owns your followers’ details, not you! If he decides to pull the plug then your followers would disappear in a puff of get collecting people's email addresses pronto!

We want to bring your personality out and so if you shine on camera rather than through writing - show up on there. Get yourself on YouTube, go live on Facebook, do Vlogs, send videos out as your newsletter. 

If you've loved writing since you were 12 years old then spend your time building up a bank of amazing articles for your blog. Get yourself featured on large publications, magazines and newspapers. Go and find other people who work with the same target audience (but offer different services to you!) to guest blog for.

One of the greatest consistency killers is having to do things that just don't come naturally to us. 

Remind yourself of what does come naturally to you (and you enjoy!) and do that over and over again. Allow yourself to shine.


So you've created a plan and you're excited to stick to it. Yay!

Make life easier for yourself - batch your work.

Batching = focus on one task until it’s completed, and everything related to it is also completed.

Meaning turn off all distractions and write out the content for your social media posts for the next week. 

Or book a day (or an afternoon) where you write your next few of emails so you're not staring at a blank screen. Yes, you'll need to proofread them before you hit send but the bulk of the work will be done. 

Trust me, it's a lot easier to be consistent when you're not scratching your head with what to write about each day. 

Use a scheduler like Buffer or Hootsuite if you have a 9-5 and want to make sure you're still posting throughout the day. 

Not sure where to start with content planning? Click below to listen to my podcast:


I'm a bit of a workaholic (okay, a lot of one!) so I have to remind myself of this one too!!

Don't be a crappy yourself.

You started this business to create more freedom, excitement and to love what you do.

I want you to be strict with yourself and set clear goals but don't be a jerk about it. 

Don't beat yourself up. If you get ill, miss a post or you aren't ready to hit publish then show yourself some grace. 

Your business isn't going to end. Your followers are not going to unsubscribe because you miss the odd deadline. 

Be kind to yourself. If you're on a diet and eat a packet of biscuits the worst thing you can do it give up and order a pizza because you 'messed up'. 

I want your business to fit around your life, not the other way around, so show yourself some compassion if (and when) life takes over. 

And then get back on it tomorrow. 

So there you have it - my top 6 tips on how to be more consistent. 

We've covered so much in this post. I'd love to know more about YOU. 

Tell me the answer to one (or all) of these questions:

  • What is your #1 favourite social media platform?
  • How often will you post? How often will you email your list?
  • What's your reason for all of this? WHY did you start your business?
  •  What will you do to stick to your plan of content creation? Have you been fair on yourself? Have you set a realistic goal that excites you?
  • How do you prefer to show up? Writing, videos or audio?

Emma xx


53 Examples of Self-Love

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53 Examples of Self-Love

Did you know today (February 13th ) is Self-Love Day?

I’ve written about how practising Self-Love grows your business.. read it here

And I promised to share some ideas on what that can actually look like! 

To make it easier - think of self-love like romancing yourself. 

We don’t need to have a partner to experience romance. And to be honest, I believe that we shouldn’t put all our happiness and romance in one person’s hands. That’s too much pressure for them PLUS you're missing out on so many other ways you can experience romance. 

So, what does love and romance mean to you? Everyone's different. Some people love the idea of flowers, chocolates, love letters, surprises, pampering, special dinners.

What do you need to feel loved? Do you require:

  • Words?

  • Gifts?

  • Touch?

  • Quality Time?

  • Acts of Service?

Perhaps you want/need all of the above in some form!? Then give that to yourself. That's what Self-Love means to me, at least. 

What we crave from others we actually crave from ourselves. Here are some ways that you can make your body, mind and soul feel special, loved, cared for and valued.


  • Write yourself a love letter and/or card and give it to yourself tomorrow!

  • Read gorgeous poetry, or better still, write a poem to yourself.

  • Look in the mirror and tell yourself how much you appreciate yourself.

  • Write a message on your mirror in lipstick, something you’d love to read.

  • Record yourself saying something loving to yourself and listen to it.

Image Source: Stephanie Sterjovski


  • Buy yourself your favourite flowers (better still, have them delivered).

  • Save up and buy a gorgeous ring, necklace or bracelet and every time you look at it, let it remind you that you love who you are!

  • Take yourself off to your favourite coffee shop and have that cupcake.

  • Bake yourself a cake or cookies – heart shaped of course!

  • Book yourself into a Spa.

  • Treat yourself to something you have had your eye on. Get it gift wrapped.

  • Make yourself breakfast in bed.

  • Make sure you send yourself that love letter so you receive it in the post.



  • Slather on gorgeous body lotion—be present and slow.

  • Get a pedicure.

  • Get a manicure.

  • Dance to your favourite music and feel your body move.

  • Give yourself a massage.

  • Book a massage.

  • Wear cashmere or silk.

  • Wear gorgeous underwear.

  • Book to have your hair done.

  • Have a gorgeous bath with bubbles, champagne, candles and music. Feel the water all around you. Heavenly!

  • Hug yourself!! Why not?


  • Listen to your body’s needs - stop when it tells you to! Set a time to finish working by.

  • Spend more time doing what you love - in your business and your personal life.

  • Write in a journal - allow your feelings out.

  • Be mindful when you eat.

  • Be mindful - full stop.

  • Spend time in beautiful places.

  • Make sure you take a lunch break (even if it's only short).

  • Spend time in nature.

  • Unplug.

  • Meditate.

  • Date Yourself...(scroll to the bottom for examples of Self-Dates).


  • Say yes if someone offers to help you.

  • Delete or delegate as many things as you can.

  • Pay someone to iron your clothes.

  • Have your car washed.

  • Hire a cleaner.

  • Hire a coach.

  • Hire a personal trainer.

  • Hire an assistant (a virtual one will also help you build your business).

  • Hire a child-minder.

  • Hire a chef.

  • Get your shopping delivered.

  • Remind yourself that you DON'T HAVE TO DO IT ALL YOURSELF.

Date yourself

Take yourself on a date! It's great fun. Don’t worry about other people thinking you look like a ‘loser’. In all honesty, many people will feel envious of the fact that you are obviously comfortable enough in your own skin to spend some quality ‘me time’.

Try one of these:

  • Coffee shop.

  • Cinema to watch the film none of your friends are interested in

  • Take yourself on a walk and be present.

  • Go to an art museum.

  • Go to the beach (if you are lucky enough to live near one).

  • Visit a nearby (or not so nearby) city and explore.

  • Take your camera out and get some great shots.

What other examples do you have? What does Self-Love and Self-Care mean to you? 

Sending you so much love.
Emma xx
P.S. Not sure which category you fall into? Take the Love Language Quiz and find out which of the areas above you crave the most. 

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7 Ways Loving Yourself More Will Increase Your Business


Running a business can be stressful enough. Add to that a partner, children and family. Plus, you may have a 9-5 too or if you're full-time self-employed you may have found yourself in the feast or famine cycle. Even if you have consistent clients and money each month, then there’s social media, marketing and creating new, fresh content.

We can end up spinning in our wheels. I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer. Far from it.

I want you to take a deep breath, put the kettle on and switch everything else off as you read the rest of this…

Self-Love = Success

And I’m not just talking soaks in the baths and early nights (although I do highly recommend them).

I’m talking about building a strong relationship with YOURSELF. 

Unless you’re bringing in a lot of automated passive income, your business needs YOU.

And one of the best ways to ensure you (and your business) remain healthy, consistent and on top form is to invest time in YOURSELF. 

I know, I know. You’re wondering how the hell you’ll fit all that into your schedule too. But hear me out.

Self-Love means you:

1) Put yourself (and your business!) first regularly. 

Rather than bottom of the pile. 

Even the airlines tell us, we have to put our own oxygen mask on first. When we practise self-love, putting ourselves first becomes easier. You’ll start to see that putting your own needs before your partner, children, parents actually serves them better in the long-run. 

Okay, I’m not talking ALL the time or neglecting your kids. I just mean that you make it clear that you and your business have needs as well. After all, your business’ success may well be the family ticket to financial freedom. You’ll be able to send your kids to the best schools, pay for incredible holidays and experiences together and even enable your partner to retire early. This doesn’t happen overnight and it certainly won’t happen if you always drop everything and rush to their needs. 

Do what you need to do. Hire a cleaner. Get more childcare (when COVID buggers off and we can!). Hire a VA (virtual assistant). Explain to your partner what your BIG vision is and that you'll be unavailable. Create a space for you to work with the least distraction possible. 

And don’t just work! Self-care for you and your business means having time to switch off too.

2) Allow yourself to dream BIG!

When you practise self-love it means you simultaneously build your self-belief and confidence muscles. They go hand-in-hand and act like a team. 

Self-love enables you to not just KNOW that your business dreams are possible but you’ll actually take strides to make them happen!

3) Set clear boundaries & speak up

Following on from the last two points: make sure when you say yes to someone/thing you aren’t saying no to yourself. 

Don’t feel you have to take on extra work or clients that are less than ideal. The more you do this, the less you’ll have time and space for your YESES and your dream clients. 

Keep practising saying what you mean. Let your yeses be yeses and nos be nos. 

As one of my coaches always says: "If it’s not a hell yes, it’s a hell no!"

Ask yourself: is this in alignment with my dream lifestyle and business vision?

4) Make better business decisions

The more we practise self-love, the more we're drawn to doing things that give us headspace. The more you do this the more creative you’ll be. The more amazing ideas you’ll get to serve your clients and bring in income. 

When we have a strong relationship with ourselves we listen to our gut instinct. We are less likely to do things just because others in our industry are. We become more authentic. We allow ourselves to be guided by what’s true to us. 

And that means you…

5) Stand out in your industry

The more you practise self-love the more you accept and embrace all your quirks and what makes you unique. This means you'll happily show up in a way that shows you're different to everyone else and you will stand out. 

You'll create a brand that is a true reflection of YOU. It sounds simple but honestly - allowing yourself to choose the colours, styles, clothes, fonts, website, images that reflect YOU is a game changer in business. You will shine like a lighthouse to your ideal clients. 

It becomes easier to create content too because you’re being YOU and you know your message.

6) Understand that you’re not for everyone

You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there’s still going to be somebody who hates peaches.
— Dita Von Teese

There will always be someone (either a stranger trolling online or even a so-called friend) who'll make a comment about you and your business. 

The more self-love you have, the less this will knock you. You’ll grow a thicker skin and any comments will just be like water off a duck’s back. 

Consequently, putting yourself out there on social media won’t feel as scary because you know you’re coming from a place of service and if some people don’t get it, that’s just them.

7) Make time for your health and life-balance

Self-love means you won’t spend every waking hour working. It means you’ll be more compassionate with yourself. You’re not a robot! Don’t expect yourself to be.

If you get no sleep, eat at your desk and don’t get any exercise and fresh air (not to mention fun!) this will not serve you or your business in any way. 

The more you practise self-love the more you’ll start to take better care of yourself. It will become a habit. 

And remember: self-love means you’ll want to do more of what you LOVE which will include spending quality time with your loved one. 

See – I told you this was a win-win for your children, partner, family and friends!

So next time you find yourself burning the candle at both ends, stop and ask yourself what YOU want and need and then give it to yourself guilt-free. 

Leave a comment below telling me how you intend to show yourself some more love and compassion.

Emma x







We've all done it, right...

  • You get an invite to a wedding 6 months beforehand yet you're still finishing curling your hair 10 minutes before you need to leave for the church. 


  • You have all week to complete a task but waited until 3:30pm on the Friday - but you still get it done!

These are examples of Parkinson's Law

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.
— Parkinson's Law

So what do we need? DEADLINES.

And that’s okay when someone has a boss breathing down their neck in a 9-5 but what if you're your own boss??

In the podcast today, I shared 5 ways you can cleverly utilise this powerful 'Law' and get more stuff done in a lot less time. 

Please note: if it doesn't play immediately, give it a couple of seconds...

Tell me below what sort of things you do to set clear deadlines in your business.

Emma xx


Map Out a Year's Worth of Content Ideas in a Day (PODCAST)


Map Out a Year's Worth of Content Ideas in a Day (PODCAST)


Today I'm excited to share my method for mapping out a YEAR of content ideas in a day. Now when I say that, I'm not saying I WRITE the entire year's worth but I map it out. 

This means I'm never having to face a blank screen and flashing cursor or wonder what the heck to post about on social media that week. 

It also means there is a PURPOSE behind my content which means more direction and my followers actually understand what is is that I do and how I can help them.  

I'm going to walk your through the exact process I used here:

Please note: if it doesn't play immediately, give it a couple of seconds...

Add your name and email below if you'd like the excel spreadsheet and monthly and weekly planning sheets I use. These took me a couple of hours to make so save yourself the time and just download them for FREE.

How to Map a Year's Worth of Content

Leave a comment below to tell me your top takeaway from this episode.

Emma xx


How to Get More Done in Less Time


How to Get More Done in Less Time


We’ve all done this: you decide to tidy your living-room and take the coffee cups ☕️ to the kitchen; then you empty the dishwasher and wipe the surfaces; you decide to wash the dishcloth and realise the machine is full of dry clothes 👖that need putting away; you put the towels away and spot the hoover; you vacuum the whole house and so on and so forth…

At all times you’re very busy but you're not actually doing the ONE thing you set out to do – tidy the living room.

That’s the same with our business – how many times have you caught yourself with 14 tabs open on your browser and realise you’re multi-tasking? 

Multi-tasking robs you of productivity.

This was the way I functioned for a very long time. Multi-tasking everything.

That’s what women do, right?

Wrong. Men have got it right here, ladies.

I know I’m grossly generalising here - that’s only to bring home the point...

We aren’t serving ourselves or others when we try to do 15 things at once.

Here’s a fact that will stop you in your tracks...

Did you know - it takes THIRTEEN minutes for our brains to get refocused on what we were doing before we get distracted by something else.  😵

Think about how many lots of 13 minutes we can waste every day not to mention how draining this is for our brain.

In my video today, I shared 3 things you can do to get more done in less time:

1) Switch off all distractions – turn your phone on airplane mode.

2) Set a timer – this keep you aware and focussing on the ONE task at hand.

3) Batch jobs – do similar things at the same time.

Tell us in the comments, what do you do to keep focussed on one thing at a time?

Emma xx


How to Get Things Done in your Business When You Have a 9-5/Kids/Busy Life


How to Get Things Done in your Business When You Have a 9-5/Kids/Busy Life


1) The most simple answer is: make sure you prioritise it.

It’s too easy to get home at the end of the day, exhausted and throw on your pjs and binge watch Netflix. Yep! Been there when I was teaching and trying to set up my business.

Look at the overall aim of why you want your business. What are your aims in 10 years? 5 years? 1 year? When we do this is helps to prioritise. We need to see WHY we are putting in the effort especially in the beginning when it feels like nothing’s really happening day to day.

2) Don’t underestimate the power of doing small things often.

Missing the odd social media/blog/newsletter here or there doesn’t seem like the end of the world when we have so much to keep on top of.

And when you aren’t getting the engagement you wanted on the posts/email it can feel even more tempting not to bother (Yep! Been there too!)

But the compound effect of doing this regularly WILL affect your business.

Do you know that if you saved a penny, and doubled the amount every day, by the end of just one month you’d have over FIVE million pounds?!?

What would this compound effect look like in your business if you did even just one small thing each day?

I created a video about this (and shared one of my favourite books) today. Click the image below to watch

What small thing do you do on a consistent basis that has given you BIG results in your business/life?

Emma xx
