A Super Simple Way To Grow Your Email List

If you hadn't heard, email marketing is still one of the most powerful tools to grow your business.

I'm a numbers gal and love statistics. Truth be told, even if these stats aren't 100% fact, they still inspire the heck out of me. Apparently, a study found that:

  • Email is 40x more effective at acquiring customers than Facebook and Twitter combined.

  • Shoppers spend 138% more when marketed through email, as compared to those who do not receive email offers.

I mean wow! You don't have to tell me twice.

But how do you actually GROW an email list?

We know we need to have a *freebie* that people sign up to and then a series of automated emails to follow but once you've made all that, how do you get people (apart from your mum and your bestie) to sign up?


(*You're only reading this because you signed up to one of my freebies.*).


I've been growing my email list for years but this morning I heard a fabulous tip for an easy way to use Instagram Stories to grow your list. I had to come here and share it with you too!


I have no idea how I didn't think of it before because it's so obvious now. I often use IG Stories to grow my list but I'm totally going to implement this simple strategy every week!


  1. Create a carousel FOR IG storIES

    Create a carousel of Instagram story images (in Canva!) that show what your lead magnet is all about, who it's for, and why they need it.


    Post it on Instagram with a link to your landing page (where they add their email address). You used to need at least 10k followers to post a link in stories but now anyone can use the features - so take advantage of that.

  3. RE-USE it every week!

 Re-use the same carousel each week - you can obviously mix it up every few weeks if you want to but don’t make extra work for yourself unnecessarily. Don't worry about people seeing it again and again - they'll just be happy they signed up for your awesome emails! Plus we all know that we're at the mercy of the algorithms so not everyone will see every story.

Genius, right! I'll be doing the same for Facebook Stories too.

Off to Canva I go!

I hope you found this tip helpful!

Cheers to your success,

Emma x

P.S. If you don't have a freebie yet, I'd love to help. As long as you know who your Ideal Client is, I can help you come up with an enticing lead magnet that your audience is eager to sign up for. I have a special offer on: £177 for a 1.5 hour call. Only 5 spots available. Send me a message and let's get to growing YOUR list!
