3 Things I Did To Have My First £3000 Month As A Personal Stylist Back In 2009

So how did I have my first £3000 month as a business owner?

I'll cut to the chase, this is what I did:

1.    I stepped out of my comfort zone

2.    I learnt how to talk about my services properly

3.    I worked on my money mindset

I remember it clearly. It was August 2009.

I could only work part time because I was still trying to regain my energy and health after a chronic illness.

(Did I tell you about 2007 when my whole world changed after I got diagnosed with CFS, ended up in a wheelchair and then my long-term boyfriend who'd just bought me an engagement ring dumped me for a girl in his office?? Yeah, not the best year! But don't worry, everything turned out for the BEST!)

I was a primary school teacher and I needed to make sure the supposed 'slow month' (aka August when everyone tells you nobody hires a stylist) was my best in business.

I'd been working on my confidence and putting myself 'out there'. When I first trained I was so shy that I'd blush and stumble over my words when talking about what I did. I'd been bullied in secondary school and it'd left an indelible mark.

After working my way through copious personal development books and courses, I really started going to networking meetings; putting myself forward as a guest speaker; working with high street shops.

(Yup! Bit of a contrast to the Emma 2 years previously - I told you it all worked out).

I hired a business coach and she taught me how to start talking about my services effectively. Which meant that when I was interacting with potential clients they actually understood what I was selling! No more confused expressions like I used to get when I said, “I do colour analysis”.

These things really helped but it wasn't until I started to apply manifestation that things started to click. I'd made a vision board back in 2007 - yeah, after life had turned to sh!t - and was amazed as one-by-one the images on my board came into my life (I'll save that story for another day).

I could manifest Tiffany jewellery and free trips to Sydney but things really changed when I applied the mindset work to money and clients.

And that's when I had my first ever £3000 month from Personal Styling alone. Meaning £3000 cash into my bank account from doing what I LOVED.

I felt like I'd won the lottery. Better actually because I knew that I could replicate it. I knew I'd made a real difference in not just my life but the lives of those women I'd styled.

Honestly, I've never looked back.

I'm sharing this to hopefully remind you to keep going. The 2007 Emma would never have predicted what her life could look like.

Maybe you're nowhere near £3000 a month in your business or perhaps you're reaching for much higher, but it all still remains the same…to get to your goal in your business you need to:

1.    Step outside of your comfort zone (meaning work on your self-belief and take bold action)

2.    Talk about your services in a powerful way (meaning talk about the benefits not features)

3.    Work on your money mindset (meaning change your beliefs around money so you attract more).

You've got this.

The future YOU is so delighted you kept going.

Here's to your success - your style!

Emma x

P.S. Want help with any of this? I've done it, and you can do it too. Contact me for private coaching opportunities. I'd love to help you!
