Image of books

If you're like most business owners I know, you want to get more engagement on your content and more paying clients.

So, let's talk stories and how they can help you grow your business.

Stories are how we learn best. Years before humans learnt to read and write, people passed on knowledge and experience through storytelling.

We teach children lessons through stories.

Our brains just love a story!

How can you use this to your advantage in your business? 

Share success stories.

Tell them about your own journey - I can pretty much guarantee that your Ideal Client is your ideal client because you've been where she is right now. You know how transformational your services are because you were your own first client.

Share success stories of your clients. Keep them anonymous, of course, unless you’ve been given permission.

(If your business is brand new then grab a couple of pro-bono clients and ask them if you can create a case study to share, in exchange for your service.)

So what type of stories lead to more clients?

1) Stories that show them you understand their PAIN POINTS:

Were you ever in your Ideal Client's shoes? If so, what was going on for you at that time? Describe their situation by sharing a story of when you (or a client) where in a similar situation.

What does your Ideal Client worry about? Tell a story of when you were worrying about this too. She'll know you really get her. This builds a strong connection straight away.

2) Stories that let them DREAM and realise change is possible for her too.

Write out your Ideal Client's desired goals (the ones YOU help her to reach!)

How will achieving these goals make her feel? Share a story or testimonial of a client who now feels this way, (as a result of working with you).

If she could wave a magic wand, what would your Ideal Client’s life look like? What stories demonstrate that you’re the person who can help her make this a reality?

When you share success stories, it does 3 things:

  1. Shows you’re skilled and have experience (even if it's just your own!).

  2. Helps your audience (and potential clients) understand exactly what you do (ever struggled to get someone to understand what you do? Tell them a story instead!).

  3. Sharing stories of how you’ve helped people makes it easier for others to remember and therefore THEY can share this and recommend you to anyone who’s your potential client.

So, have a think about stories you can share from your own experience and those of your clients. This will not only help you create your next batch of content for social media/blogs/newsletter/talks/videos (you're welcome ;-)) but it's the quickest way to demonstrate what you do and why your Ideal Client needs to hire you!

Emma xx

Would you like support with understanding exactly who your Ideal Client is and the best stories that will impact her and get her signing up to work with you? I would love to help! Click the button below to find out more about working with me.
