Let's get straight to it - you started a business and that means you want more of your Ideal Clients to know you exist.

The more people who know who you are and how you can help them, the more clients you'll sign up, and more money you'll make.

Here in our community we're all about getting paid to do what we LOVE!

So how can we get more eyeballs on you and your business?

Obviously it goes without saying that you can post on any social media platforms: Facebook. Instagram. TikTok. LinkedIn.

You didn't need me to tell you that.

But what ELSE can you do to get more VISIBLE?

Here are 11 ways you might not be doing or haven't thought of:

  1. Be interviewed by someone else on THEIR social media page or group.

  2. Start your own blog & post MORE than once a week.

  3. Be a guest expert in someone else's program.

  4. Be an active and vocal participant in groups and courses you're part of.

  5. Improve the SEO and keywords on your site.

  6. Offer affiliate opportunities for past clients/customers.

  7. Join HARO (Help a Reporter Out) to be a quoted expert.

  8. Be a guest on someone's podcast.

  9. Post Instagram stories regularly that show YOU not just your business/services. This builds the know, like and trust factor and sets you apart from others in your industry.

  10. Join a co-working space that promotes their members.

  11. Direct message people on Instagram (authentic messages not a cold pitch) to build a connection. My own coach built a multi-7-figure business doing this!

I always like to overdeliver so I've got a 12th for you. And I saved the BEST for last:

12. Post regularly on Pinterest! This isn't a social media platform - it's a search engine and if your Ideal Clients have an account then you NEED to be pinning your content, otherwise you're missing out. For starters, pin your blog posts or even just your most popular IG posts to start off.

As always, I hope you found this helpful!

Here's to your success - your style!

Emma x

P.S. Want help with any of this? Click here to find out how to work with me to help you attract clients you love.
